Booking with Players Ready Gaming
1. Visit our website and learn about our various products we offer.
Review the various pricing packages online per the type of product(s) that you are interested in and read our product FAQ’s for more detailed information.
2. Check dates and times and easily book your party online using our Check Dates/Book Now page, or call us at (816)616-5081 and speak to one of our customer service representatives who will check your requested date availability and help answer any other questions you may have and/or book your party or event.
3. Your party is booked once you make your payment in full; We will send you an email confirmation and receipt within 24 hours. We do not store your credit card info on file for your protection.
4. At the day of the event, we will arrive approximately 15-30 minutes prior to your scheduled time to set up and warm/cool the game theater and doors will open right on schedule. We do not take payments the day of an event.
Our Policies
Cancellation and Refund Policy
A valid credit card or debit card is required to guarantee and pay for your Players Ready Gaming reservation. There will be a $50 cancellation fee (plus any applicable bank processing fees) for all parties or events cancelled after payment is received. There will be a $100 cancellation fee for all parties or events cancelled after payment is received and within 30 days of scheduled event. NO REFUND in the event of customer cancellation within 14 days of your event. Players Ready Gaming will make every effort to postpone your event, with no penalty, to another date should cancellation be necessary.
Privacy Policy
Players Ready Gaming is committed to protecting your privacy. We use the information we collect on the site to make bookings with Players Ready Gaming Theater as simple as possible and to enhance your overall experience. We do not sell, trade, or rent your personal information to others.
Travel Surcharge
A Travel surcharge will apply for locations in excess of 30 miles from the 66210 zip code to cover the driver’s time and fuel cost. NOTE: Note all areas of the metropolitan Kansas City area are serviced. Bookings based on type, location and driver availability. See our Service Area page for more information.
Damage and/or Injury
Neither Players Ready Gaming, nor any of its employees, agents or contractors shall be responsible for any damage to property resulting from a request by the client to position the theater in a specific location. This includes both above ground and below ground property/equipment damage.
Additionally, Players Ready Gaming reserves the right to charge the client’s credit card or invoice client and client agrees to pay for damages, theft or loss to the trailer or equipment resulting from accidental, careless or willful damage of same by client’s guests. Trailer equipment shall include, but not be limited to, the mobile gaming trailer, seating, video game systems, televisions, game controllers and game discs. Players Ready Gaming, or their employees, agents or contractors assume no responsibility for any injuries sustained on the clients property or their designated location. All liability for damages or injuries is the sole responsibility of the client and/or host.
Bad Weather
Players Ready Gaming’s trailer is designed for all types of weather conditions. The theater is insulated and climate controlled with heat and air conditioning. There may be occasions when the weather does not want to cooperate with your scheduled party. In the event of severe weather (lightning, heavy snow or ice, very high winds, flooding and/or extremely heavy rains) we may (and reserve the right to) reschedule your service to guarantee the safety of you, your guests, our staff and equipment. If the threat of these storms threatens your party and you are aware in advance (pending or anticipated ice/snow/rain/wind storm) please contact us to begin the rescheduling.
Supervised Children
Players Ready Gaming does require a parent or responsible adult to be present inside or just outside of the trailer at all times. Guests 16 and under require a parent or guardian be on property and within contact of the game coach should a need to contact them arise. Guests under the age of 8 require a parent or responsible adult in the game theater at all times. While we will do our best to adhere to the wishes of parents and/or adults as to what types of games or game ratings are allowed during an event, it is the responsibility of each parent or guardian to monitor their own child if they choose not to allow them to play. We cannot monitor each game session for every child at all times, especially during larger events and venues.
Money / Ticket Collection or Pay to Play
For a number of reasons, such as difficulty in monitoring each individual attendees paid status, desired game management of each paid attendee, potential for specific games to be unavailable for play at all times, or be age or skill appropriate for the attendee, and difficulty monitoring every attendees specific play time, Players Ready Gaming does NOT allow the booking party to collect money or charge for tickets specifically for the Players Ready Game Theater and timed interval play, or allow for a “Pay to Play” option via wristband or other means, without the prior written consent by Players Ready Gaming. This insures an easy, smooth flow of attendees at all times and the maximum number of players, flexibility and ease for the booking party, Players Ready Gaming and all of the event attendees.
**Players Ready Gaming holds the right to cancel an event upon the acknowledgement of the booking party charging attendees to utilize the Game Theater specifically or grouped with other individual activities, outside of normal event attendance and the booking party shall forfeit any deposit paid (see cancellation policy).**
Food or Drinks
In order to provide you the absolute cleanest and best video game experience possible and protect our equipment, Players Ready Gaming does not allow any food or drinks into the video game theater.
While your party is in effect the Game Coach may take pictures of the party from inside the trailer or during laser tag parties. You will then be able to view these pictures on Players Ready Gaming Facebook Page and copy them to your files.
If you do not want our Game Coach taking these pictures or posting them on the Fan Page please let the Game Coach know prior to the start of your event. This is a service we provide to our guests so they can be sure to capture their party as it happens.
Alcohol or Drugs
You may serve alcohol at a Players Ready Gaming event or party; however, we may require an on-site security surcharge and/or security deposit when alcohol is being served. We may and reserve the right to refuse, cancel or cut short any party or booking when alcohol is being served.
Drugs of any sort will not be tolerated in or around the Players Ready Gaming equipment. Any observed use of illegal narcotics or legal narcotics used in an illegal manner will result in the termination of the party immediately.
The Game Coach is there to make sure that your group is making the most of your high-tech fun. He or she tutors, inspires and entertains. Tipping for good service is a great idea but not required.
Truck and Trailer
When the Players Ready Gaming trailer pulls up, we will try to park in the most level & flat area or logical spot to accommodate your party. Sometimes, we park in your neighborhood street, so you might want to let your neighbors know (in case they may object) or let us know if you have a preferred spot for us. We might also have to block a driveway. Please keep in mind that our Game Coach will not park anywhere that may cause a danger to persons, property or equipment. Our truck and trailer combination is very long and we will need a minimum of 55 feet of space to park. Additionally our Game Coach will never disconnect the truck from the trailer at a party/event without prior approval nor park off of a hardened surface.
Game Ratings
Players Ready Gaming plays by the house rules. This means that we will try to play only the games or game types that you allow. The game theater has games of all ratings and can accommodate many tastes and levels of play. Players Ready Gaming can only check with the Party Host or Hostess. While we will do our best to adhere to the wishes of the Party Host or Hostess, parents and/or adults as to what types of games or game ratings are allowed during an event, it is the responsibility of each parent or guardian to monitor their own child if they choose not to allow them to play. We cannot monitor each game session for every child at all times, especially during larger events and venues.